A Wilder Journey…

My name is Mark O’Malley and I am the founder of Wilder Wellbeing. My passion lies in helping people create healthier, happier lives filled with movement and energy – with a little bit of Wildness in between!

Many people may not know that there used to be a lot more of me to love. I was very inactive, overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy. I gave up every type of exercise I ever tried; you name it I’ve given it up!

As my weight spiraled out of control, my mental health began to suffer. I experienced repeated bouts of clinical depression and anxiety, which led me to eat more unhealthy foods, move less, and become very unmotivated in all areas of my life. I was technically obese, just shy of 18 Stone (BMI>32).

In my mid 20’s I knew I had to make a change. I had tried gyms, “diets” and weight-loss clubs and hated them all.

I then began to link my love of the outdoors to my exercise and mental health and started to run (very very slowly). Over time I ran a little more, felt a little better and began to educate myself about nutrition and change my diet to eat more nutritious food.

Motivated by these positive changes, I increased the frequency and intensity of my movement, which all lead me to running my first marathon in New York City in 2007. Since then, I’ve challenged myself with more marathons, Triathlons, Adventure Races and Half Iron Man endurance events.


Let me tell you a secret…I hate the gym. Always have done. It does absolutely nothing to motivate me to get moving. I wanted to develop a business focusing on Wellbeing that involved movement, energy, nature, the great outdoors…something a little Wilder.

I am passionate about helping people get healthy, fitter and feel better about themselves. I invigorate the mind, body and soul through offering nutritional guidance, HIIT fitness classes, Personal Training and Trail Run Clubs. I host wellbeing events throughout the year, bringing together a community of like-minded people with a goal of improving their lives through movement, connection and the outdoors.

I want you living your best, happiest and healthiest life and embracing movement, especially in the Wilds.


Not many “Wellbeing” providers come as qualified as me, or provide services which are founded in the latest academic evidence and research. In 2015 I undertook a Masters in Health Promotion through National University of Galway. Since then I have become a fully qualified and insured Personal Trainer, Specialist Pre/Postnatal Fitness Instructor, obtained Postgraduate qualifications in Cardiac Disease & Diabetes Prevention. In 2023 I became a Specialist Exercise Instructor with the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation.

My fitness classes follow the validated training protocols from the American College of Sports Medicine, proving that if you train with me, you will reduce your risk of disease, boost your mental health, increase lean muscle mass and obtain and maintain a healthy weight.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Wilder Community!


The Wilder Ethos

  • Wilder Body

    Fitness Classes & guided Trail Runs designed to get you Lean, Happy and Embracing the Wild!

  • Wilder Mind

    All my Classes are designed to boost your Mental Wellbing, reducing Stress, building Confidence and Connection with oneself, and others.

  • Wilder Wellbeing

    Physical & Mental Wellbeing, through Movement, Connection and the Outdoors.


“Wilderness is not a luxury, but a necessity of the human spirit” – Edward Abbey